The Learning Experience Elgin

The Learning Experience Elgin


Day Care

About Us

Our innovative TLE® Center design
TLE® Centers are more than just vibrant and fun—they’re designed with features that promote learning and enhance security, from Make Believe Boulevard to the exterior of the building. The chairs, furniture and details in each classroom are age-appropriate, to meet the unique needs of our sikey stages of development. And security fobs, which only staff and registered families receive, are required to enter any of our facilities.From our curriculum and Centers to our app for parents, we incorporate new, creative techniques and technology to deliver an experience that’s engaging, effective and fun.

Our innovative curriculum
We consistently develop innovative new curriculum programs, based on research and trends in early childhood education, and introduce new monthly themes that include real-world, hands on learning and expose children to 21st century skills. Further, we ensure that we deliver top quality curriculum by incorporating the Early Learning Standards in every state in which we operate.

Our innovative TLE® Center design
TLE® Centers are more than just vibrant and fun—they’re designed with features that promote learning and enhance security, from Make Believe Boulevard to the exterior of the building. The chairs, furniture and details in each classroom are age-appropriate, to meet the unique needs of our sikey stages of development. And security fobs, which only staff and registered families receive, are required to enter any of our facilities.

Rep/Contact Info

Ms. Ashanty Lopez
Marketing Manager
  • Phone: (630) 503-2272