Sarah Eli Massage

Sarah Eli Massage


Natural Products

About Us

Sarah Eli Massage is owned and operated by Sarah Dick, who is a Licensed Massage Therapist, an herbalist, and a Health and Wellness Coach. Although more recently, Massage Therapy is the primary focus of the business.

Sarah's Massage Therapy style focuses on pain management, stress reduction, and improving overall function and well being.

Sarah formerly worked at Natural Alternatives Herb Shop, which was owned and operated by her mom, Jean Weddle. In order to allow Jean to retire, it was decided that a change needed to happen. It was decided that the retail store would close, and a new business, more focused on services than products, would start.

Opened in January 2020, Sarah Eli Massage offers Massage Therapy, as well as some products, to help their clients achieve the lives they want.



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